Friday, April 20, 2012

Motorphobia: The Fear of Automobiles

Motorphobia is the abnormal and persistent fear of automobiles or traveling by automobile.  There are three elements to this phobia. Claustrophobia, the fear of confined spaces, is the first element.  This can be caused by just being in the car and can be aggravated by traffic jams and high volumes of traffic on multilane streets.  The second element is a fear of crashing and the third element is a fear of not being in control.
A phobia is a strong, persistent fear of situations, objects, activities or persons.  The main symptom is an excessive and unreasonable desire to avoid the feared subject. Other phobia symptoms include shortness of breath, irregular heartbeat, sweating, nausea, and an overall feeling of dread.  Phobias are the most common form of anxiety disorders.
Do you suffer from Motorphobia?  Please share your story.  How was it triggered and how does it affect your life?


Anonymous said...

i understand how you feel i am suffering from this at the moment and it happend suddenly as i was always able to get in the car then now not at all as its always the same of panicking and need to get out . hopfully will try and seek treatment to be able to cure

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