Friday, January 27, 2012

Domatophobia: The Fear of Houses

Domatophobia is the abnormal and persistent fear of houses or being in a house.  Those who suffer from this phobia feel that houses are oppressive or dangerous.
A phobia is a strong, persistent fear of situations, objects, activities or persons.  The main symptom is an excessive and unreasonable desire to avoid the feared subject. Other phobia symptoms include shortness of breath, irregular heartbeat, sweating, nausea, and an overall feeling of dread.  Phobias are the most common form of anxiety disorders.
Do you suffer from Domatophobia?  Please share your story.  How was it triggered and how does it affect your life?


Anonymous said...

I have lived in a house all my life. But when my husband and I got married I moved into his trailor. I recently found out that I am husband works during the day so I spend the day at my moms......I Thoth I was just parinoid to be alone. But I'm scared to even be at home. I cant sleep till I get to my moms. My husband just says he doesn't know what's going on with me.....he thinks I don't want to be around him when infact its being in that trailor that's driven me away.

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