Kopophobia is the abnormal and persistent fear of fatigue.
There's not a lot of information on this one. I think it's safe to assume that this phobia is possibly caused by extreme fatigue and the inability to accomplish ones tasks for the day.
Personally, I can totally understand what would trigger this phobia. I have Fibromyalgia and I am tired 24/7. It doesn't matter how much I sleep or how much I rest, I'm still tired. When you are an adult and you have responsibilities there is not enough time to be tired all the time. Sometimes I dread getting up in the morning because I don't want to spend the day totally fatigued and unable to do what I need to do. So I can definitely see this turning into a full blown phobia very quickly. I'm certain that anyone with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Lupus, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Myofacial Pain Syndrome, Lyme Disease, any type of cancer or one of the many other chronic illnesses that cause extreme fatigue will agree with me.
If you suffer from Kopophobia please tell us your story. What triggered it and how do you cope with it? It would also be interesting to know if you have a chronic illness.