Although it is an irrational fear, it is a very real fear to those who suffer from Dendrophobia. The fear is so intense that they have severe panic attacks and anxiety. It must be really hard to deal with being afraid of trees.
A phobia is a strong, persistent fear of situations, objects, activities or persons. The main symptom is an excessive and unreasonable desire to avoid the feared subject.
I have dendrophobia. I think it stems from seeing the movies Poltergeist and Babes in Toyland as a small child where there are scary trees the want to hurt or eat you. I don't like to talk about it because it is irrational and I know that the trees can't hurt me. I have a very hard time being near trees when alone but if there is someone with me, I never even think of the trees as being scary. I never have a hard time in populated areas, but being alone in a forest is unbearable to me.
I suffer from it as well. I've had it since I was a little child, and even being with someone when I was in either a forest, or just my own yard, I would just begin to freak out.
I think it all started when I watched the Lord of the Rings, but not the new ones, the old cartoons, the very old ones. Way back when VHS' were popular. That's the only thing I can think of that could have put this in me. Unless it was Poltergeist, like from what Big Papi said. But I don't remember any trees in the movie, probably from seeing it when I was way younger.
The only thing that is really weird about this fear is that I don't mind the trees that lose their leaves, but the ones that freak me out are Fur Trees, and Weeping Willows.
I'm not really sure why or how, but I'm definitely sure that I have this.
I am 39 and have been afraid of trees all my life. My parents say I was afraid of the shrubs when they would walk by them as they carried me as a baby. It totally affects my life as I panic when I have to go to someone's house who has large trees, etc. Can't buy a house with trees. If the wind blows I'm paralyzed. Like the other person said, evergreen trees are the worst. Very creepy. Having others around makes the fear subside, but if it is dark I'm a mess around trees. I used to blame HR Puff-n-stuff until I found out I had it as a baby. My aunt was afraid of trees too so I believe it is a generational curse or something like that. Those are very real. I haven't ever really hidden my fear of trees but admit that it is irrational. I'm sure people think I'm weird but I don't think I've lost a friend over it. I can psyche myself up to make friends with specific trees that I cannot avoid in my daily life. None has ever hurt me! I also don't like to be next to or look up at very tall things like skyscrapers, lightpoles, bridges, etc. I don't like being next to tractor-trailers or other huge things. I can't stand to walk under a pier or overpass.
I have dendrophobia. But I fear mainly palm trees. I lose my mind and can't think of anything when they are near me. I freeze and want to cry. I can't even stand looking at bigger pictures on my computer screen with them in it. I have nightmares with them falling on me. It hasn't stopped me from going to tropical destinations, but it has made many people think that I am weird when they see me running from it and scream when I see one. I can only be around them when there are a lot of people around me during the day time. But when it's dark and like Audrey say, when the wind blows, I am paralyzed. I understand everyone has a fear and I am not ashamed of it. I never mean to fix this, but sometimes I wish that it can just magically go away.
I've had this fear ever since I can remember. I can remember as a child walking the path at my house. There was a very tall tree to my right, and I would always run past it as fast as I could. I had no idea until I read this article there was a name for it and that other people suffered from it as well. The only one who knows I have this fear is my husband. We have no trees near our home but we have a pond front of our house with many trees around it so I will not go to pond alone. I really, really wish there was some cure for this or some way to make it go away. It's terrifying. I can't even go and enjoy the fall colors.
I have sort of a different fear that I've gotten over in the past years due to being a biologist. It stemmed from my irrationality as a child, seeing all of the trees in the forest preserves near my house that had fallen. In reality they had all fallen at different times in a very long timeline, but in my child-mind they all fell relatively at once. Ever since I realized this non-fact, I became extremely fearful of walking into forests as I thought a tree might fall on me. It never affected me in suburban neighborhoods where there were still large tree, as I'd never seen of of those fallen down unless it was hit by lightning, affording me safety when teh skies were clear.
This fear literally stayed with me until I started college. I remember in high school, not having many chances to enter a forest, I had forgotten my fear. Until my friends and I had a half day and decided to hike through the forest preserve near our school to see a beaver dam. I was so overcome by fear and anxiety I ran out of there after only a few minutes of hiking. My friends were disappointed, I was embarrassed. I also went on an educational trip with my biology club that same year and almost was hit by a falling branch that pierced the ground a foot deep within 5 feet of me. That definitely didn't help.
Needless to say, forcing myself to go camping (first time camping ever was under a very big tree and a wild thunderstorm!) and also obligatory trips into forest partitions for college ecology classes (one specifically counting treefalls no less!) I have overcome my fear and now happily camp in a tent in forests whenever I can, sleeping soundly.
My fear stems mainly from falling trees in forests, not anthropomorphic closing in of them onto me or just them themselves. I wonder if there is a specific name for the "fear of falling trees"?
when i was about ten a tree almost fell on me i am usaully ok with trees until its windy and as said before i have a fear of falling tree windy days freak me out and i hate gum trees!!
I have been afraid of trees for as long as I can remember! I had no idea that there was a name for it, and am glad to know that I'm not the only crazy person in this world with it. My fear is with Pine Tree's. Mostly the "Blue Spruce" kind, but also many other pine tree's. It started when I was a baby. My grandparents had a few on their property. My mom has told me that my pap would always hold me up to them and try to get me to touch them. (Not intending to harm me in any way, just to feel them) And one time, I guess a needle pricked my finger and made me cry. From that point on I cannot go near a big, ugly, creepy pine tree. I instantly feel a lump in my throat & my stomach, my heart starts pounding, I breath heavy, and I tend to get tunnel vision. I'm getting ready to go on a family vacation to a Lakehouse and I know that there is a line of pine tree's on the property and I am absolutely terrified! The only other person going on the trip who has experienced my fear is my mom. My husband knows about it, but obviously doesn't understand it, and has never "seen it". I'm terrified to tell everyone, because I don't want to be made fun of, being 30 yrs old and afraid of a tree! I wish there was an easy fix!
i have dendrophobia since i was a child. i'm afraid to go near a tree as i always feel that it will fall me. When i was 7 years old i lived in a building. my aunt lived in a building just in front of our building but i was very afraid to go there as a very tall tree was in between. it was like a nightmare. Even today, i never visit my backyard alone.......
Ever since I can remember I've been afraid of trees and large pines are the worst for me. And growing up in michigan its been a real struggle. If im not alone for the most part I can handel it but I have had a few panic attacks when I was with friends in the woods. I've always been open bout my fear to my friends and family but no one seems to understand. They act like its a joke. I know its just a tree and it can't hurt me but when I get close to one I freeze and my fear takes over.
After reading these blogs its nice to know im not the only one who feels this way. Helps to make me feel a lil sainer.
i have it too. up until a few weeks ago i didnt know other people suffered from this.
Everything other people wrote i experience the same thing. people have made fun of it in the past and i make light of it too....i mean...its weird!
Ive had it ever since i was little. my grandad thinks trees are amazing and he used to try and get me to touch them and act as if they werepeople...and even then id idnt like it and iw ould run past trees. i hate it when the wind blows, or if i see its roots. My skin will crawl and i will feel nauseous and if im arounda bunch of them, i will get the urge to run run run!
i had to livei n the country once surrounded by trees, never again. it was too scary, i couldnt sleep properly at night and couldnt relax.
I also have dendrophobia since I was a kid. It is very annoying as I also have difficulties to tell others about this. It just sounds so odd and stupid for a 40-yr-old man telling someone that he is afraid of trees! My wife knows a bit as I particularly afraid of India rubber tree.... My fear would be a bit lessen during day time and when someone else is with me. But I could be totally freak out at night time especially walking next to tall big trees.... This is very very annoying as I have to avoid walking through streets with big trees planted...and sometimes is really unavoidable! I really wish there is a cure for this phobia!
I wonder if chopping a tree or taking a chainsaw to one would give dendrophobes a feeling of empowerment and could mean the first step on the road to recovery. You could ask your mental health practitioner about it. It's one fear that you can use your own physical might to help overcome it. If you're afraid of cats or closed spaces, you couldn't really take a chainsaw to it. But the very act of destroying a tree might give you the sense that you are so much more powerful than the very thing you fear and it might help you overcome it.
i am 14 ; and i have dendrophobia . im not afraid of the little garden trees or any tree of that sort , im mosty afraid of the tall tall trees , that seem to branch out in ever single direction ; i have a fear they will fall at any moment . i have exactly 52 evergreen trees in my back yard ; the sight of them is unbearable and when its storiming i try to keep my mind off of them . ive never even attempted to be in a forest alone . i will never
I'm 16 and I've always been petrified of trees. I live in northern california and there are A LOT of red wood and oak trees in this area. Those are the two I am mostly afraid of. I will refuse to walk near or around them even with a group of people. A few weeks ago my mom took me to a pretty place up in the hills that is dense with enormous old growth red wood trees. I cringed and started histarically crying because I could not be there. Also another time I was walking a trail with my boyfriend and there was a huge oak tree laying over the path. I started crying again and literally ran in the other direction. I don't know how this started but I get made fun of for it all the time. It's really embarrassing, I wish I could just get over it.
I only have fear of pine trees. I think it started when I was young. There were five pine trees growing near the side of our house, and one day during a bad storm one of them split right down the middle. I was only 5 or 6 when it happened and, of course, I was the one who opened the side door to go out and explore after the storm, but couldn't get out because there was a "giant green furry monster trying to break into our house". Haha! It may sound stupid, but I think that's where my fear comes from. I really wish there were a way to overcome this fear. I love going to the park and I love to go hiking, but I always swerve as far away from the pine trees as I can. (: I feel unsafe when around them.
I'm 27 years old and have suffered from this phobia for most of my life, i'm not quite sure where and when it started but as a young child i remember being absolutley terrified of pine, fir and very tall and wide trees. I find that i can't bare to even look at them without feeling physically sick and having a full blown panic attack, i hate their roots, even more so when they have been uprooted, I also have a major problem with heights and looking straight up at tall structures. Wind Turbines, sky scapers, towers and any tall buildings send me into a fear frenzy just wanting to run or most of the time freezing and becoming completely irrational, my husband knows about my problem but as i have read with most of you when ever i have mentioned about being scared of these things most people laugh or think i'm being stupid, it's nice to know for the first time that other people suffer from this and that i'm not a mad crazy women, i'm just someone who like alot of people have a fear or something thats others find silly and completely irrational.
I suffer from dendrophobia, when i was younger i ran head first into a silver birch. I use to love trees but now i fear them. I live infront of embankment, it is full of trees, specially silver birches. I go jogging quite often and so i have to go past them, i usually run as fast as i can past them. I hate how their roots glow in the corner of my eye, i hate how tall and bendy most of them are. When i look up and see them fully my heart rate speeds up, i feel sick and dizzy and i feel lightheaded. I wish the fear would go, i hate the effects trees give me.
I've feared evergreen trees since I was small. I don't know where I got it from, or when it even started.
On road trips in the states with my family we would drive through highways where trees would border the roads; I'd feel safe in the car. I'm especially scared of the evergreens in the dark--maybe because they seem big and "furry". I don't run away or scream in fear, but I try to look down & walk past them as fast as I can. When doing that, I always have to remind myself "there is nothing behind me, there is nothing behind me--don't turn around, don't look up". My boyfriend doesn't understand & find it hilarious--it's heartbreaking. He's the only one that knows of this fear. Others don't know because it's not really a big deal when I'm with others; I'm not afraid of those when people are with me or when he is with me. But by myself, I feel ultimately frightened & scared stiff. I know the tree can't hurt me.. it's ridiculous to think that--it just seems really stupid. I guess I'm glad there's actually a term for that & people are actually have that phobia. But hey, phobias aren't meant to be rational.
I do not fear trees..... my phobia if that of a tree falling on me. I believe that it started from seing trees falling on car and houses during storms. Most of the time I cannot sleep thinking about this Pine tree close to my bedroom falling on my house and killing me. I know is strange but is happening to me, causing a lot of anxiety and panic attacks.
I can remember back to a single digit age (8? 9?) when I wa afraid of a particular tree near home. That is one of the earliest memory of my experiencing panic about a tree. When I was 27, a friend who moved to Seattle admitted her phobia of the lush vegetation in the region and how she felt she would be engulfed by the branches of any sprawling tree. That was the first time I realised my phobia was not unique, and she and I discovered what aspects of the phobia we had in common. It were the spread out, dense-foliage trees, particularly those through which th sky would be obscured from vision, that impacted us the most. I had to travel to Atlanta for work and needed to drive through dense tree cover, and invariably, I would step on the gas and speed at over twice the limit or so. Now I live next to a beautiful nature reserve but am unable to enjoy it for this phobia. Strangely, though, some specific trees do not seem to be a threat after a point! There is a pine tree about ten feet from my bedroom window and I am still surprised it does no bring me panic attacks; though, I dare not bring one on and avoid staring into the dark "innards" of the tree. I have considered NLP and hypnosis as possible cures but hesitate they may be I effective and a waste of money.
I am 12 years old and i also suffer from dendrophobia. The olny tree im scared of is the willow tree they look so scary with there hanging branches. even if a regular tree has hanging branches I start freeking out and crying. I have to be atleast 10 feet away from them or i'll have a heart attack.
i am 12 years old and i have a big fear of wiilow trees if im near one i will freak out and cry. maybe even have a heart attack.
My 8 year old son has this fear, but it is only of pine trees. He has been this way ever since he was about 3 or so. It wasnt from watching a movie, or being lost in the woods, I dont know why he has it. Anytime he is near anything pine, especially pine needles, he starts crying and shaking all over. I am so afraid that he will be made fun of in school if the other kids ever find out. I hate to see my baby so afraid of something. I dont have this phobia(nor does his dad or sister) so it's hard for me to relate to it and help him. Any help would be greatly useful Thanks in advance.
Ailanthus trees. You see them in the city. In overgrown abandoned lots. Next to highways. My grandma's backyard. Toxic places. Turns out in addition to being nasty looking and terrifying, they're an invasive species that was introduced in the 1800s from Asia and have spread throughout most of North and South America. Little bit of cosmic justice there. To this day, I can't walk too close to them or even look too hard. I'll plan routes around them.
when i was a little kid a tree told me it was going to eat me. that stuck with me my whole life. i still cant look at trees with out being overwelmd with fear and panic. a few years ago i moved to the midwest and ther are only a few trees.
Ive had this from being little and as i get older i only find myself including more types of trees to be scared of. I hate the pine / conifer trees the most they are so sharp looking and symetrical it jus dosen't look right. They really remind me of spiders (another of my phobias) the way their branches stem out like hundreds of legs and then the actual leaves don't help the fear coz they are jagged neddle shaped which emphasises the spider connotation. I cannot go near them when alone and when i have to in order to get somewhere i close my eyes and run past it. i work myself up so much about it, it fells like i'm about to die. I can only go near these kind of trees if i'm in a group, even being with one other person dosen't help.My ultimate nightmare is being alone in a forest of redwoods or conifers on a windy day, i hate thinking about it becoz the fear is just unimaginable to me, even getting mugged or assaulted dosen't scare me half as much! Even average looking trees i can't stand especially the ones that have drooping branches that hang. I hate this fear becoz i like to run and everywhere has trees and i can't keep focused around these monsters! Even a light breeze making them move makes me run for my life. I wish there was a pill for this.
It’s good to hear that it’s not just me that has this irrational fear. I have had this fear all my life and it has had a great impact on where I can go.
The thing which is strange and its mentioned a few times above is that when I’m around other people I do not suffer this phobia, its only when I’m alone. Also people have mentioned conifers/evergreens/pines, these are the worst for me, not the normal Christmas tree looking ones but when they are large and domineering with lots of branches that snake out.
Living in the south of the UK there is a large mixture of different trees, when I’m in a new area and walking down a street I’m always fearful that I will come across a tree that I will not be able to pass, or become scared of.
One thing that I have done is progrssively try to go into more wooded areas and overcome my fear , generally it works pretty well, but a few trees (mainly conifers/pines/evergreens) it doesn’t work at all.
Its nice not to be alone on all of this :-)
I live in New Zealand.
I don't know whether you people in America know about tree ferns?
Dark trunks, big feathery leaves, a freak out for me since infancy. I destroyed family outings in the bush with this in my early years.
I have no idea what's behind it - it's a visual thing.
I used to see them in the same way as triffids - the fictionalised man eating plants.
Now, I just can't go near them without really steeling myself. And night time - don't even go there.
I'm 44 now. This will be a lifetime thing.
I have suffered from dendrophobia from a very young age. I am scared of Oak and Beech Trees and worry they will fall when i am near them...i hate to see fallen trees and hate when it is windy, people think i'm crazy so its good to hear people also feel the same
I'm so glad I'm not the only one who has this fear. I am afraid of the Norway Spruce. They scare the living day lights out of me. They are so ugly and ominous looking. My grandfather recently passed away. During the drive to the cemetary, I kept thinking, "Please don't be buried next to the trees. And not only was he buried near one, but two! I had a semi anxiety attack. I bloodied my nail shutting the door too quickly. I don't like going to Suburban rural areas, because they are lots of them. Christmas time is rough for me. I would never go to NYC to see that big tree, even if its covered in lights.
wow, so glad i'm not alone! i too close my eyes and run past trees, and i have nightmares about them!! ditto on the beech and oak trees. trees with wild thick limbs and bark that looks like skin just freak me out! it's visually overwhelming. when i was young i saw a movie about a creepy tree outside a girl's window that tried to eat her but i think the phobia really started in college because the trees there were much older (and therefore larger and creepier looking) than the ones i grew up around.
I once was going to an interview in a leafy part of London. Just as I came out of the train station I knew I had a bigger problem than the interview itself. The entire road was lined up with HUGE trees! I called my dad in sheer panic and almost decided not to go for the interview! Somehow he managed to calm me down, I then hurriedly followed a pedestrian and 'took shelter' at the nearest bus stop. Although it was walking distance, having the option of being able to hop on a bus practically saved me from throwing away the chance of a good job that day.
Wow I m not alone!!My relatives and friends think I am crazy. It all started when I was 7 or 8 and watched the movie Poltergeist. Prior to this I cannot recall ever having this problem. This is why you should never let little kids watch scary movies! I am terrified of trees. I imagine that they look like creatures or people with long arms stretching down. One post described them appearing as spider legs. Is is just so scary to me that I cannot get over it. If I am walking into the dentist office and there are trees around in the parking lot or sidewalks, then I panic. I can remember having to jog through a park one time and I was terrified when no one was around. If I am alone then I am really scared but I have less fear when others are with me or at least one person. My husband and I went to San Antonio Texas one year and they have this huge historic tree over by the Alamo! I don't know what kind of tree it is but in some parts of Texas where I live these trees grow to be very large - so big where the branches are heavy and are touching the ground. It just looks like a big creature to me. There is no way I could ever have taken a picture by the tree if I were there by myself. I think I would have died from a panic attack for sure. I sometimes wonder if something happened in my past life that makes me so fearful. Like maybe I was a slave and I was hung from a tree. I know it sounds crazy but I just wonder that sometimes. I wish I could get over this fear. I wish someone could post a remedy! Someone mentioned chopping a tree down to show empowerment over the tree. I don't think I could ever do that or have opportunity since I don't own a saw as I am a city gal :-) Well, it was nice venting here...Hope that my story makes someone else laugh ...just knowing that I am not alone and that I am not the only crazy nut somehow makes me feel better. This was theraputic!
I believe that I may have Dendrophobia. I am afraid of fallen trees. Whenever I see a tree that has fallen, I get as far away from it as I can. Also whenver I walk pass tall trees, I think that they are going to fall on me. Very scary lol.
I have been suffering from it since I were a kid. I used to personify odd and scary faces in every day items everywhere. Espesially wood knots looking back at me.
I got over it in time but I can't help feeling that tree trunks look so much like flesh and skin. Some branches even look like they have bony joints inside them the way they stick out of the trunk! Realy freaks me out. Some branches look like squeezed flesh too!
I think that If I would accidentaly fall on a tree, I would have had a heart attack before touching it.
I don't have a hard time talking about it though, I dont mind making fun of myself, while the only thing people say is "I had no idea such a phobia excisted!"
I'm most scared of coniferous/Ever green trees..as I had an experience with one nearly falling over on me, because of a severe thunder storm. :( My phobia is very bad..my building is the only one by it's self and behind it is a forest of huge tall trees. With people around, it doesn't bother me but by myself I get really scared. It's also really bad when there is strong wind, I feel like the trees are dancing around on purpose to scare the living crap out of me. Picture it..a windy night time thunderstorm, with huge/tall Ever green trees dancing around, looking like they're about to fall on you. How would you feel?
Hello. My name is April. I am seriously afraid of trees. My kids think I'm nuts. Its real though...I am seriously scared of trees. I feel as if they will attack me if I get to close, & I wont be able to get away....I'm more scared of "naked" trees...when I see pictures of them it scares me as well. I will try very hard when I'm near trees that scare me...to NEVER look up!!!!!! I don't undersrand at all. Its kinda crazy....lol...but true!! Maybe because I'm afraid of heights....!!!! I don't really know. Anyone if u wanna reply to this....please do........
I feel similar to the way u do about trees. Lol they freak me out big time. Are u also afraid of heights?? I think MAYBE that's why I'm afraid of them.....I'm VERY scared of trees that have no leaves!!!! Freaks me out!!! Lol
This is absolutely amazing! I googled "fear of palm trees" and this came up. I swear to God for 31 years, I thought I was the only person alive to be afraid of palm trees. When I read Jgurl731's comment, I swear I could not have said it any better myself. I grew up in Illinois where there are no palm trees at all. I have traveled all over the world (I currently live in Auckland New Zealand) but I always, always hate it to first see a palm tree. I feel mostly anxiety and fear. Totally irrational and unexplainable. I too hate them more at night, or if there are LOTS of them, forget it. It is also harder to be alone near them... if I see children playing in a park with palm trees, I have to laugh at myself for being scared when kids are at play. Palm trees are the only tree in the world I have a fear of. Most popularly, there are 3 main types of palm trees. The little monster ones, like weeds... the tall ones with luxiorious leaves that make you think of an island, then the ones I hate the most: The tall ones with leaves making it look like a firework. Deep down, I knew SOMEONE else out there had to be afraid of them too. How could they not be? They are so strange looking... thanks for sharing :-)
I'm not afraid of trees as such, but certain types of leaves. Branches on conifers and palm fronds I find really unpleasant. My real fear is fronds, I find ferns repulsive and bracken is like fern, only worse. Walking through fern or bracken is nearly impossible. I could just about do it if fully clothed and being helped by an understanding person, but not on my own. I became aware of my fern phobia at the age of 6. I also struggle with swiss cheese plants and rubber plants. I recently discovered that one of my best friends also has a fern phobia, we had both kept it quiet for years and were amazed to discover that we shared this secret.
I have been scared of tall bushy conifer trees all my life but this is the first time I've found others with the same phobia. I very occasionally get scared of electricity pylons or non-coniferous trees if they are very tall and thin but this is rare (there aren't many such trees anyway). The main fear is of very tall conifer trees, specifically leilandi (sp?). The taller and more of them together, the more scary. The idea of seeing one that has fallen, been burnt or dying terrifies me. It started when I was 3, we moved from north to south England to a house with v. tall leilandi in garden on the right 3/4 way down the garden. I had to walk on a path right next to it to get to the end of the garden. I'd have to get someone to come with me or look away or at the ground to pass.The phobia spread to other similar trees at that time. We moved house and the phobia went away for several years but returned when I was about 18 and was under stress, and stayed for 5 or 6 years. It is under control now but can come back on days when I am stressed or when the weather is bad.At the worst times it prevented me from leaving the house alone. I now live in inner London so rarely see the trees. If I am visiting a new place I’ve occasionally checked Google Earth to look for the trees in advance! The element of shock makes it worse, I wouldn't want to walk round a corner straight into one, but rather to plan my route around it (but as with bad things in life you can't always predict or control them!)I am mainly scared of the trees when alone, if I am with a large group of people I hardly notice the fear, if with one or two people I will need to look away from the trees and hurry past. If there are several people with me I can easily conceal my fear as I don't notice it because I am not focusing on it and blowing it up in my mind I think.People often laugh about it but I am not ashamed as it is quite an original phobia to have! My friends and family all know but I don’t tell work colleagues as I am a lawyer (and 31 years old) and supposed to inspire confidence!!! I can cope with a single leilandi if I can cross the road to avoid it, but a whole row of them is too much. This is quite common in some places as they are planted to screen things. They are common at stations which is a nasty shock if you arrive somewhere new and face pure terror! This is particularly difficult when on work business or going to an interview etc. as there is no option of turning back and one is already a bit nervous and conscious of own perceived inadequacies.When I see the trees I feel panic, terror, want to cry and also disgust at how horrible their bushy furry leaves look, esp. when moving in the wind.I also have nightmares about them.At my nan's funeral I discovered to my horror that she was being buried right in front of a massive row of incredibly tall leilandi. In contrast to some of the other posts I am not scared of other trees, even some types of conifer with spread out branches. I particularly love weeping willows.I once saw a counsellor about this who said I'd picked something to be scared of which I would only encounter infrequently so as to manage my fear. She said I displaced my fears onto the trees in order to cope. Apparently I had too much fear to cope with otherwise as I took on others’ fears too! She said I found a row of the trees so hard because that was several weeks of fear all in one go, whereas I'd set the phobia up when as a child I only encountered one tree once every couple of days which was manageable. When you grow up and visit new places etc. clearly fear cannot stay under control like when you are a child unless you seriously control and thus restrict your life chances. So you have to confront the fear, and maybe this is why for me the phobia is no longer so intense.I'd be very interested to hear from other people who have this same phobia.Catherine Seldon (I'm on facebook)
i too am afraid of trees like in the movie forrest gump. I hate this, but what can I do about it. There are every where!!!
I have this too,it is so horrible.I told my parents and they laughed at me,and I was embarassed.I'm mostly scared of palm trees and willows,they scare me the most,but deep down all trees freak me out.I hate forests,I always have dreams where I'm in one and something bad happens,but people,I feel you.
I am afraid of cheeseplants is anyone else terried of them? Xx
Hello everyone. I do not have this fear.. but I did have psychology back in high school and had to do a report on Dendrophobia. I recently found EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) to be very effective. You can look it up on youtube under EFT Robert Smith. All our choices that we make and why we do it, is simply because of our past. Everything that we do in the present is effected by what we have gone through. Our subconscious mind is so powerful you can almost well I want to say trick it or in better words change your bad memories into good ones, that way you wont have phobias. There is even scientific evidence that proves you can cure physical illness'. There was a lady who had severe allergies to peanuts. Even seeing peanuts made her break out in rashes. So they talked and she found out that when she was a younger girl she had a mean aunt that always ate peanuts and had a cane that she would hit her with. At the top of this cane it was shaped like a peanut. (Strange I know) So he did some tapping on her (EFT) and after she was able to eat peanuts.. allergy free. It truly is amazing. I myself took the time to do some tapping because I had strong urges to smoke weed, since then I have not had the urge to smoke. It really works. I hope this helped. :)
I have a fear of pine trees its wierd becouse I live in an area were there is only pine trees. But not just a few pine trees like a lot of pine trees its partialy becouse of the slender man though I know all of that stuff is just crap, so its not directly from trees its actually fear of the slender man
My Son is 4 years old going on 5 and he is afraid of trees. It all started one day while he was at daycare standing near a tree on the playground that he had never noticed was there before. Something fell from the tree which appeared to be a sculpture of a wooden eye and he was startled, so he turned around only to see the tree he was standing near had a face now with only one eye a nose and a mouth. At that moment his heart dropped out of his chest and he went into complete shock . Now for almost an entire year now my don has not played on that playground because of that tree. He also avoids every tree he comes in contact with and constantly reminds me that there are trees were ever we go. I'm not sure if it's safe to say he is suffering from a phobia of Dendrophobia, as a parent I'm not going to give up on him. Thank you all for sharing your stories, it has help me gain a better understanding of my sons situation .
I have dendrophobia. I have been afraid of large trees my whole life. When I was young my main problem was Christmas trees. Every Christmas when my parents put up the Christmas tree I would avoid the room it was in. Then on Christmas day I would be sitting there waiting for my parents to wake before I would go in the room with the tree. Now with my own sons we have a small tree.
My fear is from childhood - don't know what started it exactly, but has become worse as I've grown older. I can sometimes pick up courage to be nearer trees i.e. to take a photo of a waterfall, but at the last minute the absolute fear and shock of what I've got myself into is incredible. I can feel my pulse rate rise sharply, my heart beating against my ribs; my blood pressure escalates and I feel as if I'm going to pass out. Is helped if I'm with someone or I have a peaked cap on (!) or a hood - very flattering. I've had to ask people to escort me from car to a building before too. Helps if I repeat a mantra over and over to keep my mind occupied but I do spend a good deal of my life avoiding trees. Affects where we holiday, routes I have to walk and means I could not live in a house with a tree in the garden. I'm okay if I'm far enough away so that if it falls, it won't hit me! Oaks are the worst, but anything will do really - I'm not fussed. My hubby says I must have been tied to a tree and burned in a previous life! Stupid thing is I love them, I think they're magnificant things. My worse nightmare would be a car breakdown in a forrested area with no lights, at night time, and no mobile. I know its stupid but its part of me and I've learned to deal with it. People that know me are okay with it although nobody really understands the issue. I figure I'm okay with spiders, mice, snakes, reptiles, rats and all things paranormal, so I consider I'm entitled to have a fear of something!
I have a terrible fear of palm trees, I completely understand you...idk what it is, maybe their majestic presence, and I do have nightmares about them as well... feel weird for having this phobia, especially because southern california is full of palm trees....they're everywhere..
I don't think that I have a serious case of dendrophobia,
I only fear huge pine trees like spruce, I freak out if I see big ones and start thinking "don't think about it", but if it's windy I just freak out.
If it's really windy I can't be even outside much because then I fear all of the trees.
Freak out:
No reaction:
Think it started from my childhood when there was these 3 huge spruces next to our house and they were enormous and one of them fell on another tree and I always had to walk past them.
Well, I used to have many phobias. I was afraid of trees, large bodies of water, dark spaces, and clouds, and animals. Then 12/23/03 I became a true Christian and learned God had not given me a spirit of fear. so, the spirit of fear was an unauthorized guest and was evicted. I now enjoy the very things that would cause tormenting fear.
WOW, I wish I'd found this site years ago. I thought I was the only weird one who was scared of trees! Despite thinking that on the whole they're very beautiful, but only from a distance. lol
I've been scared as long as I can remember, my Mum said she used to have to cross the road to avoid walking under trees when I was a baby in a pram. I was pretty scared of most decent sized trees as a child, but particularly the tall thin Lombardy Poplars, Fir trees, Weeping Willows, Elms (mostly because of Dutch elm disease)and the very worst ones were cedars. I used to plan routes to get to places to avoid trees, I even managed to get my little old car upto 110mph to get down a tunnel of trees I couldn't avoid once. : O I used to avoid going to peoples houses if they had trees I didn't like and had plenty of panic attacks over the years. I was a Cub Scout leader so this was a real pain in the backside!
13 years ago I decided enough was enough and despite being sceptical I had hypnotherapy, I thought if I could find out where my phobia stemmed from I could start to rationalise it and it might help.
I was hypnotised for over and hour and a half and discovered that being born in the autumn I was out in my pram asleep, when a dead leaf fell on my face, when I woke up a big dark tree loomed above me, everything I was 'seeing' while I was under was very real. I couldn't believe a leaf resulted in a 31 year phobia. It took a few weeks of rationalising but am now almost phobia free I can walk up to quite large trees and look up at them, hug them, climb them etc. The only issue I do still have is with very large cedar trees, I think that is so deep rooted that I'll always be very wary of them.
I would definitely recommended hypnotherapy, it won't work for everyone, but it was the best money I ever spent. I hope that some of you can get your phobias sorted too, as it's very limiting in everyday life.
Hi Friends,
After reading this blog only i identifies me also have dendrophobia.From my childhood onwards i have a fear with mango tree. I am very much afraid to look into mango tree and not like to go below this tree.This fear makes lot of problems in my personal life.I cannot look into that tree or fruit ,that may irritate me and this problem is goes to big in rainy days On that particular days i fear to go out because i don't like to touch water drops from that tree.I don't know what happened to me when i watch mango tree or touches water drops from it.In my family everyone knows about my fear.
I'm also terrified of palm trees. It started when I was young, and my dad would make up stories on how the hangin grey palms were kids who had been snatched up by it when they walk by alone. So my whole life I can never walk by one and I'm 17. It's a little embarasing, because we have a giant garden near my house and of course it has one area with over 100 palm trees so my friends decided to drag me in there and run out, so I had been stuck in the middle of my worst fear, for 30!!!!
I do not know if what I have classifies as dendrophobia, I fear being beneath trees, especially at night. But more than that I have a constant feeling I'm being watched. Seeing things out of the corner of my eyes feeling things brush my arm or face, but when I turn nothing is there. When I mow the lawn I go around the trees, and even though I have talked to a few counsellors nothing seems to help.
Wow I thought I was the only one. I cannot go near a Weeping Willow Tree, if I am driving I will go the other way. They are so spooky to me. Large trees that have alot of leaves scary especially at night. I am 54yrs old and yea I am scared of Trees.
Mine started with Snow White, The Wizard of Oz & of course - Poltergiest. Scary trees everywhere! My mom bought a book about trees and would walk me through the backyard as a kid & read the book and try to tell me they couldn't hurt me.
I know my fear of trees is also linked to my fear of spiders as spiders often build their webs in trees. I try to avoid walking under trees whenever possible.
As a child I remember watching cartoons showing giant insectivorous plants devouring people. That was in early 80s while my father was stationed in Middle east. When we returned to India until about late teenage, I was afraid of all large trees. The fear, anxiety and dizziness was a bit less if I were able to hold my dad's hand. My parents tried to reason with me about this irrational fear but never forced to face large trees. Now I am in my 30s and thankfully quite insulated as I live in a large city. However, approaching a large Banyan tree with its stilt roots is a big struggle for me. I have no reason for the fear, but close or underneath a large banyan tree I feel as if the being of the tree is encapsulating me and my heart is getting strangled. I am sure i wont survive a walk under a large Banyan tree with its gnarled long and (personally I feel) ugly stilt roots haphazardly touching the ground is one strangling embrace.I wish I could look up the foliage as my wife and my son do innocently. There are many lovely tropical birds etc. to look at. I wish and hope for a cure.
I have this as well. I have been terrifyed of trees ever since I was a child. Because my sister told me a story of this big black bird called the Lachussa owl half witch bird. And ever since she told me that. It has been stuck with me ever since. And I'm am teffied of trees. As if f the bird is hiding and watching me . I hate being under or near trees or I start to freak out.
I'm afraid of Palm Tress like what JGurl said. Especially at night... I just found out I have dendrophobia while I was on a roadtrip to Florida. O_O I couldn't look at the trees on the side of the highway. They gave me a little "stomach-churning" feeling.. But once we hit Orlando and I began to see Palm trees, I kid you not I was terrified.. I'm glad I'm not alone... Calms my nerves. lol. Just thinking about them wooshing in the wind scares the shit outta me.
I just realized that I had a fear of trees while I was on a roadtrip to Florida. No one in my family believed me until I showed 'em this blog about dendrophobia! I also realized that I fear Palm Trees the most especially when we were driving at night and I saw them in the distance "whooshing" back and forth I shut my eyes and tried to sleep and I don't even know what else to say rather than, I'm glad I ain't alone in this fear of trees epidemic...
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