This phobia can be caused by a traumatic event occurring while crossing the street. Examples of this are almost or getting ran over by a vehicle or witnessing someone getting ran over. Embarassing moments while crossing the street may also trigger this phobia. I slipped and literally slid across the street in front of my school when I was in the 5th grade. I was so embarrassed that I didn't want to have to cross the street again because I was afraid I would fall again. I also never wore the shoes that I was wearing that day again. I wouldn't say that I have this phobia, but till this day I hate crossing the street.
If you have Dromophobia please share your story. How does it affect your life and what triggered it?
My fear of crossing the street was not triggered by a traumatic event in my childhood; I've always been afraid to cross the street. I especially dread crossing very busy streets with short lights and lots of turning cars. I also dislike angled streets, six-way intersections and very wide streets. Bust streets without traffic signals are of course a no go.
my fear of the street was also not caused by any childhood traumatic situation....it has just always been there,am always scared of people actually looking at me,am always thinkin am the one they are focusing on whenever i pass-by
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