Saturday, July 21, 2012


I saw this and I had to share it here :-). Hope everyone is having an awesome day!

Ophidiophobia: The Fear of Snakes

Ophidiophobia is the abnormal and persistent fear of snakes.  This is a relatively common phobia that can have a significant impact on the quality of life. The most common cause of Ophidiophobia is a traumatic encounter with a snake.  This phobia is also known as Snakephobia.  Ophidiophobia is closely related to Herpetophobia, the fear of reptiles or creepy crawly things.
A phobia is a strong, persistent fear of situations, objects, activities or persons.  The main symptom is an excessive and unreasonable desire to avoid the feared subject. Other phobia symptoms include shortness of breath, irregular heartbeat, sweating, nausea, and an overall feeling of dread.  Phobias are the most common form of anxiety disorders.
Do you suffer from Ophidiophobia?  Please share your story.  How was it triggered and how does it affect your life?

Onamatophobia: The Fear of Hearing a Certain Word or of Names

Onamatophobia is the abnormal and persistent fear of hearing a certain word or of names.  Those who suffer from this phobia dread certain words because of what they supposedly mean.  Onamatophobia is also known as Nomatophobia.  It is closely related to Verbophobia, the fear of words.
A phobia is a strong, persistent fear of situations, objects, activities or persons.  The main symptom is an excessive and unreasonable desire to avoid the feared subject. Other phobia symptoms include shortness of breath, irregular heartbeat, sweating, nausea, and an overall feeling of dread.  Phobias are the most common form of anxiety disorders.
Do you suffer from Onamatophobia?  Please share your story.  How was it triggered and how does it affect your life?

Monday, July 16, 2012

Oneirogmophobia: The Fear of Wet Dreams

Oneirogmophobia is the abnormal and persistent fear of wet dreams.  This phobia is common in boys going through puberty.  They don’t understand or know how to handle their emerging sexuality and they begin to fear these new feelings of sexual desires.  This phobia is closely related to Genophobia, the fear of sex and Erotophobia, the fear of sexual love or sexual questions.
A phobia is a strong, persistent fear of situations, objects, activities or persons.  The main symptom is an excessive and unreasonable desire to avoid the feared subject. Other phobia symptoms include shortness of breath, irregular heartbeat, sweating, nausea, and an overall feeling of dread.  Phobias are the most common form of anxiety disorders.
Do you suffer from Oneirogmophobia?  Please share your story.  How was it triggered and how does it affect your life?

Ommetaphobia: The Fear of Eyes

Ommetaphobia is the abnormal and persistent fear of eyes.  Those with this phobia may not want to look at or touch their eyes and they may avoid eye contact with others.  They may also refuse medical procedures on their eyes.  Ommetaphobia is also known as Ommatophobia.
A phobia is a strong, persistent fear of situations, objects, activities or persons.  The main symptom is an excessive and unreasonable desire to avoid the feared subject. Other phobia symptoms include shortness of breath, irregular heartbeat, sweating, nausea, and an overall feeling of dread.  Phobias are the most common form of anxiety disorders.
Do you suffer from Ommetaphobia?  Please share your story.  How was it triggered and how does it affect your life?

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Ombrophobia: The Fear of Rain or of being Rained On

Ombrophobia is the abnormal and persistent fear of rain or of being rained on.  This phobia may be caused by a fear of disease or sickness.  Many of us were told as children that if we played in the rain we would get sick.  Another cause may be a depression that is associated with dark gloomy rainy days.
A phobia is a strong, persistent fear of situations, objects, activities or persons.  The main symptom is an excessive and unreasonable desire to avoid the feared subject. Other phobia symptoms include shortness of breath, irregular heartbeat, sweating, nausea, and an overall feeling of dread.  Phobias are the most common form of anxiety disorders.
Do you suffer from Ombrophobia?  Please share your story.  How was it triggered and how does it affect your life?

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