There is not much information on Japanophobia so if you suffer from this phobia please share your story. What caused this phobia and how does it affect your life?
A phobia is a strong, persistent fear of situations, objects, activities or persons. The main symptom is an excessive and unreasonable desire to avoid the feared subject.
There is not much information on Japanophobia so if you suffer from this phobia please share your story. What caused this phobia and how does it affect your life?
Do you have a fear of commitment? Commitment phobia affects the lives of many people. It doesn’t matter if it’s your cell phone contract, that new job or a new relationship, commitment phobia can have a harmful impact on your life.
So you really want that new phone, but you have to extend your contract another two years…ummmm never mind I don’t want the phone that bad. That new job sounds great, but it requires atleast a year commitment. You really need the extra money it would provide, but you just can’t do it. You’ve really been feeling that person you’ve been dating for the last 2 years, but you break out in hives every time you hear the word marriage.
Those who have this phobia are major “what if” thinkers. What if I want to switch cell phone carriers? What if I hate the new job? What if I get married and I meet someone else? What if…what if…what if?! You can “what if” everything in your life, but the bottom line is that it’s not going to change anything. If you hide from everything, your life will become so isolated that no one in their right mind will want to deal with you anymore.
If you suffer from commitment phobia get help, because living with an out of control phobia is not living.
What are you afraid of committing to and why?
There are tons of phobias and while some can be easily understood, others are not. Euphobia is the irrational fear of hearing good news. Can you imagine? If I get good news then it’s great day no matter what else happens. Those who have Euphobia are basically afraid of or strongly dislike anything that brings happiness.
Those who suffer from Euphobia do not have the ability to be happy for someone else and they cannot be happy about anything happening in their own lives. This has to be one of the toughest phobias to have. It doesn’t seem like those with this phobia have the ability to be happy at all.
If you have Euphobia please share your story.
Are you afraid of butterflies? There is no official name for this phobia, but it is referred to as Lepidopterphobia. This comes from the term Lepidopterans, which is the order of insects that include butterflies and moths. This phobia is also linked to Mottephobia, the fear of moths.
Since there is no official name for this phobia yet, there isn’t a lot of information about it so if you have this phobia please share your story.