Saturday, July 4, 2009

Aphenphosmphobia: The Fear of Being Touched

Aphenphosmphobia is the irrational fear of being touched. It is also known as Haphephobia and Thixophobia. Those who have this phobia may also fear touching others.

Physical or sexual abuse, inaffectionnate parents or any other negative experience that involved touching or being touched could cause this phobia.

There are many people out there who don't like to touch or be touched, but they don't have Aphenphosmphobia. They don't fear touching, they just don't like it. I don't like to be touched by people I don't know, especially the creepy ones. I don't have a problem touching or being touched by people I know. I'm a very affectionate person and I love to hug.

If you have this phobia tell us your story.


Anonymous said...


I do have this phobia. Not nice one :p
Are you still interested to hear about it? And what do you want to know?

Unknown said...

Yes of course! How did it first begin? How does it affect your life? How do you cope with it?

Anonymous said...


i have phobia's

first phobia of my back being touch i haven't hugged my parents in 19 years and i'm 20 second phobia of blood and i'm a girl every month i'm crying and screamin thinkin i'm going 2 bleed out still i die third any type of bug i lost my baby running from ant's on a chicken bone idk what 2 do anymore nobody in my family understands me

Anonymous said...

I am a 28 girl.I have been suffering from this disorder for more than 3 years. these days it just seems getting worse. I hate to be touched by women and I cannot control my hatred when a women gets close to me .
I have no idea how I can cure it !! Is there anybody having an idea ?

Anonymous said...

I have the fear of being touched. I'm 14. Most of my friends know I don't like to be touched but they don't know why. It freaks me out and I get lightheaded and breath faster. I've discovered that if it's just someone's hands, it's the warmth that bothers me. My hands are always cold. But I can't stand hugs at all. I either freeze up or lash out.

Unknown said...

I didn't even know how bad I had this fear until I was trying to get a massage and I started panicking and I froze up and I started sweating all over the place. My heart started racing, I couldn't even breathe normally and I kept wanting to jump off
the bed....all this before the massage even started.

Cherlyne Wong said...

I have this phobia, but it only affects me when the contact is by a female.

I had several very close situations to being molested by females and so I've developed the irrational fear of being touched by women.

It's torturing and I get waves of panic when I'm touched.

Anonymous said...

I hate being touched by guys. I was almost molested by a guy stranger and i developed an irritational fear of being touched by guys. Whenever the guy tries to touch me, i freeze up and sometimes i will cry deep inside coz im really scared.

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