Teutophobia is the fear of German or German things such as the people and language. It is also known as Germanophobia. I can't even begin to understand this one and I can't find any information on it. Maybe I'm taking this the wrong way, but it really seems to be more of a race issue. What would make you fear a country, its people or the language? I'm German and I'm nothing to be afraid of, unless I'm PMS-ing, but that's a different story.
Someone please let me know what causes this phobia. I'm totally in the dark on this one. I really would like to know if it is based more on hate than actual fear. If you have this phobia, I would really like to hear from you.
You are right, teutophobia is racism
I do not know anyone who personally suffers from this phobia. Though those who are racist towards Germans may be considered to suffer from this phobia, I do not think it is limited to racism.
I am German myself and like to learn all kinds of new information about Germany.
However I could understand how, as with all phobias, a person may have an uncontrollable fear of Germans. Being no more rational than a fear of Balloons, or my own fear of mirrors, yet also no less valid.
It may stem from a lack of knowledge, and perhaps an actual fear of Nazi's or the type of situations that occurred in that era.
Or merely caused by some trauma that occurred that was some how related to Germany. Like, say you knew 2 or 3 different people who went to Germany and died (perhaps by standard things like heart attack, car crash, etc.) but the person who knew these people may begin to fear that Germany itself is like poison to the people they know, or worse if they were all related to their family particularly.
This is all speculative, but as a person who suffers from more than one condition that is often misunderstood, I try to see things from other perspectives, and this is just what I would think to consider before judging.
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