Atychiphobia is the
abnormal and persistent fear of failure.
Those who suffer from this phobia will not take any kind of risks because
they are terrified to fail. They live
life simply existing and never accomplishing anything.
A phobia is a strong,
persistent fear of situations, objects, activities or persons. The main symptom is an excessive and
unreasonable desire to avoid the feared subject. Other phobia symptoms include
shortness of breath, irregular heartbeat, sweating, nausea, and an overall
feeling of dread. Phobias are the most
common form of anxiety disorders.
Do you suffer from
Atychiphobia? Please share your
story. How was it triggered and how does
it affect your life?
I know I have in constant fear because every time I have to take a test, I just know I am going to fail. For example, last week, I went to go take my driver's test and all I could think about was how I was going to fail and sure enough I did. I don't want to live with this fear anymore, but I am hoping with the help of friends and the advice I found on http://onlineceucredit.com/edu/social-work-ceus-pho to help me overcome my fear of failure.
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