Cyclophobia is the
abnormal and persistent fear of bicycles.
This phobia can be caused by never learning how to ride a bicycle as a
child. Other causes are seeing or being
in a bad accident on a bicycle or being startled by someone passing by on a
A phobia is a strong,
persistent fear of situations, objects, activities or persons. The main symptom is an excessive and
unreasonable desire to avoid the feared subject. Other phobia symptoms include
shortness of breath, irregular heartbeat, sweating, nausea, and an overall
feeling of dread. Phobias are the most
common form of anxiety disorders.
Do you suffer from
Cyclophobia? Please share your
story. How was it triggered and how does
it affect your life?
I have cyclophobia, and I think this story is why, but it would make sense that it developed because I never learned to ride a bike as a kid. My parents had tried to teach me once, and I hadn't liked it from the start. I was a bit too short for the bicycle I had so it appeared large, unstable, and intimidating. My parents couldn't get me going fast enough to stay upright on it on flat ground, so they started me at the top of a hill, and just let me bike down. That was probably when I got the fear, not only because no one followed down the hill with me incase I fell, but the training wheels didn't quite reach the ground, making it wobbly but also hard to fall over. At the end of that nauseating ride I crashed into a bush, so no harm or horrific accident happened. But the ride itself is what I think made me wary of bicycles.
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